by Simone Possenti (EU International Relations and Diplomacy - Manuel Marín Promotion)
Phoenician princess or queen of empires
so far from the story we aim to write,
whether the world becomes what we describe
the small domain of Japheth can be more
than a triangle in a Beatine map, as war
shall rive siblings into graveyards nevermore.
There – is the oneiric power
cleaving body from soul, Aristotelian psyches
waiting for the geometry of possibilities
on Galilei’s kinematics double-faced medal.
That – is the state of mind
parting nation from identity, particle trajectories
wondering in a circle of stars, where nobody is
at home everyone can build this common room.
Chasing unity in diversity
even against the blind hatred of the unbelievers
‘cause we aren’t worshippers but blacksmiths.
From the top of the stake and condemnation, we
will know how to shout with pride: “Ode to Joy”.
Single-mindedness is the past
whilst unique definitions don’t belong to us
as we all wear multiple Pirandellian masks
et l’on sait qui on est : humanity before borders.
Awaken now, for what we embody
change in this changing reality – ought to go
beyond preachers and false saints of selfishness.
Awaken now, to act the script we
need to happen: defeat competition monsters
to show the Rhine and Danube bridges.
Solidity and solidarity are twins
imperishable diamonds we stored in centuries
and change requires recklessness
to set precious foundations for the metaphysics
of continental ties, where She is no sovereign
princess or queen but mother.
Potentials of infinity held by the dream
it’s time for new demiurges.
#europeandream #collegeofeurope #creativewriting #sonnet #poetry #ManuelMarin #promotion201819 #lavoixducollege #Marinpromotion