In our second edition, titled “The more, the merrier” you will find:
Marta Ubeda and Laura Mora, Editorial
Students associations
Kévin Martin, "European Defence and Security Network, Saison 2"
Kiese-Deborah Illmann, Gauthier Schefer, Clément Uwayo, "EU-African Affairs at the College of Europe"
Galatée Fouquet, Paulien Van de Velde, Lucas Michel, "United in Diversity: the Benelux Society as a Telling Example?"
Elena Turci, "The 1989 Generation Initiative: Taking Responsibility for Our Future"
Tiago Carolino, "Transgender Day of Remembrance"
Maria Elena Sandalli and Sara Conti, A sprinkle of Italianness
Kevin Kaiser, "Join the EFF - College of Europe team! Because this time it's not enough to hope for a better future"
Francesco de Marzo, "The Energy Group is back: get energized!"
Arto Väisänen, "Scandinavian neutrality? A deeper look at an enduring assumption"
Leah McCloskey-Gholikhany, "Why must the (Iranian) people pay for high politics decisions?"
Sara Conti and Cécilia Vidotto, "Issues and challenges of the European defence: Informal discussion with Clare Moody, MEP and Vice-Chair of the Security and Defence Committee"
Esprit du Collège
Guillermo Guardado, "Très heureux de faire votre connaissance, Monsieur de Baenst"
Paolo Recaldini, "A breath of fresh art"
Cécilia Vidotto, "Interview with H.E. Ambassador Thomas Mayr-Harting"
Creative writing
Brendan Rooney, "Purpose, Discovery, Ascension. Collection of 3 pieces"
The Team of La Voix du Collège